New Orleans. That's where I want to be!
I had a blast with Aryn in the Big Easy. The grit, the character, the music, the culture, the FOOD!, the life...everything. I want it! I know I've been saying for a while now that NOLA is the place for me, and now I have even more proof!
Where to start? So, some background, Aryn and I planned this trip while we were busy living really boring lives in Charlottesville. We wanted something fun, and we both wanted to go to NOLA, so we figured we should go to the Jazzfest! The time finally arrived. I waited for Aryn in the NOLA airport, it was almost 12 hours of travelling for me (who goes from DC to Texas to get to NOLA?). When we finally arrived at our hostel and the gorgeous, cool early summer air (and our growling stomachs) convinced us to get a bite to eat. Funny thing is that, even though I've been vegan for 9 years, I decided to try shell fish in the place where the shell fish is probably freshest. So, first up on the menu: BBQ shrimp!!
Not the best picture, but this was so delicious. It's not Hienz BBQ sauce, it's home made, and I can't even really explain it except absolutely delicious. I ate a shrimp or two (I wanted to start easy), and it was OK. A little crunchy for me. But honestly, it felt so great to eat it!! Aryn was a champ - she didn't make a big deal out of it so it was easier for me to pick up the shrimp and take a bite.
Day 2: Fried oyster pasta :) the cheese was a mistake...I wish I had asked for no cheese. Another mistake: not trying Aryn's raw oysers (left). Always another trip...
Of course I had to take a break from the non-vegan and eat my quintessential dish: falafel sandwich!! It was OK...the fried oyster was better :)

Late night snack? Beignet!! What an awesome night this was...just chillin in the French Quarter, making our way to Frenchman's St for some live (and very late night) music. After a probably huge dinner on Bourboun, we were strolling around and making our way towards the river. We took a break to chow down on NOLA's signiture pastry. It was good, but funnel cake is better!
Jackson's Square on Decator St! It looks like the Disney Castle. Jackson Square is where we got on our carriage ride, hand grenades in hand! On the carriage ride we learned about why the door handle was missing from a door (coughcoughBrad Pitt), why there are only ghosts on the third floors, and why Nicolas Cage is afraid of New Orleans.
Hand grenades are really not tastey.
They taste even more disgusting than they look.
HIGHLITE!!!! Crawfish Etouffe. So. Good. I want to eat it all the time!! Crawfish was undeniably my favorite. The first place I tried it (Royal House, where I got my fried oyster pasta), I thought it was the best ... thick, flavorful, not too spicey, earthy, the ultimate comfort food I thought. This place (Ralph and Kacoo's) was pretty good too. This was another one of our stops en route to Frenchman's St ... it's such a far walk we had to break it up with food :)
Crawfish boil!!! After church!! FOR FREE!! This was so delicious! Basically, you take the crawfish, rip off the tail, peal off the bottom of the tail, and pull our the meat. It's the smallest amount of meat for an already small creature, but it is packed with tasteyness. And then, you crack the head and suck out the juices. Yum. What little carnivour is left in me was so happy in this moment.
It was also great to get to know the people in the church down in NOLA. Since it's somewhere I can definitely see myself going back to, I was happy to make friendships with them. for the REAL reason we came down to NOLA...the music!!! I am in love with brass bands...New Birth Brass Band, Dirty Dozen Brass Band, and my absolute favorite, Rebirth Brass Band!! After months and months of sitting at my desk at work listening to brass bands and pining for a true New Orleans experience to see brass bands up close and personal, the music was just so good. Aryn and I went running on the first day we were in NOLA, and we ran through a second line! I nearly cried, no joke. It's so common down there (seconds lines for funerals, births, etc), but it just felt like all the parts of me that have been trying to get out of my seat and have an adventure and do something fun was finally fulfilled! It was a really emotional experience, which is crazy, but I just can't explain to you how much I wanted this specific vacation. And, I'm not very eloquent, so that probably didn't even make sense.
Rebirth at the Jazzfest!!
Sharon Jones at the Jazzfest! If you don't know her, get to know her. She is the funkiest 56yr old you will EVER EVER EVER hear.
New Orleans Nightcrawlers at Jazzfest! This was my favorite show. They are such a tight band. And the drummer was young and so talented. You would think he could out play the older drummer but then the older drummer played and it was you got so far to go, rookie.
Rebirth showing off their grammy at Big Sam's Funky Nation!! Big Sam was bad, but Rebirth is so good. This was a late night show, where it starts at 2am and goes till 5ish. I learned on the plane ride to NOLA that the best part about Jazzfest is the late night shows, where all the artists play in clubs around town. Of course we found out wayyy late and all the shows worth going to were sold out (like the original Meters with Rebirth and Trombone Shorty???? Shoooot we missed that!!). It was funny though, after Big Sam's we walked around trying to get a taxi and saw that Dirty Dozen Brass Band was playing like 3 doors down. W00ps. Another lesson learned for next year!!
The beer there is so sweet! Didn't love it. Not into sweet beers. But they were unique. We got this beer while we were waiting to be seated at a nice place on Frenchman's after Jazzfest. I have a distinct memory of us leaving our hostel, saying "hm I could have a snack before that show we are going to", and then as we got closer and closer to Frenchman's, we were saying "OK, yea I could eat", but still only planning on a light meal, and then we passed this nice place with folded cloth napkins and wine classes and dim lights and we both were like YUP!! We're going there!!! We were so exhausted from being in the heat all day, and standing for hours, that I think when we saw a nice easy place to chill with good drinks and food, we just went for it :) It was worth it! I actually completely forget what I got to eat there...what a shame.
*sigh* second I miss thee.
Gosh I miss it so much! Just going through and finally updating my blog and looking thorugh my pictures makes me remember how much fun this was. I know that if I ever moved to NOLA it wouldn't be vacation all the time, so the life I lived for the 5 days I was there is not indicative of a life there, but NOLA definitely still intriques me and draws me. I can't wait to go back, even if it's not until Jazzfest 2013!